Custom LCD Panels and Their Versatility

Character lcd

Did you know that the liquid crystal materials inside our LCD computer monitors and LCD TVs emit no light of their own and require an external light source to produce an image that we can see? Did you also know that although liquid crystals were first discovered in 1888, it would be another 120 years until they became the dominant method of display for our computers, which is absurd when considering all of the benefits custom lcds have over CRT computer monitors.

Firstly, a custom LCD display causes less eyestrain since the display lacks the flicker that Cathode Ray Monitors (CRT) monitors produce. Secondly, any LCD item is much more adjustable. You can configure the height until it is appropriate and suitable. You can tilt or swivel it. You can mount them on a wall, which you could not do with a CRT monitor.

There are so many LCD custom options available now, too. Any company could benefit from using custom LCD panels. They convey a sleek, elegant and, most importantly, modern, aesthetic to any company. Many restaurants use custom LCD panels to display their menu, changing specials or even advertise upcoming items or seasonal specials. Schools use custom LCD panels in the halls to display announcements, or other information.

The advantages of using custom color LCD or any other custom lcd panels are clear for anyone to see. All you have to do is look at the liquid crystal clear image.


  1. I see LCD Panels everywhere nowadays and I am not sure how I feel about them. I think they look really cool and everything, but I hate that its just a waste of electricity to me.

  2. I see LCD Panels everywhere nowadays and I am not sure how I feel about them. I think they look really cool and everything, but I hate that its just a waste of electricity to me.

  3. I see LCD Panels everywhere nowadays and I am not sure how I feel about them. I think they look really cool and everything, but I hate that its just a waste of electricity to me.

  4. I see LCD Panels everywhere nowadays and I am not sure how I feel about them. I think they look really cool and everything, but I hate that its just a waste of electricity to me.

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